


Tablet Portait

Handheld Landscape

Handheld Portait

Honors Access

Winthrop University

Contact Information

Dr. Michael Lipscomb
Director, Honors Program
Honors Center at the Courtyard
Rock Hill, SC 29733
P | 803-323-4666
updated | 05/24
Home campus enrollment is required.
3.5 GPA Required
About the Program
Winthrop University's Honors Program is designed to enrich the college experience for highly talented and motivated students. Through interactions with outstanding faculty and peers, a vital community of scholars is created that embraces the pursuit of knowledge for the enhancement of intellectual and personal growth. Distinguishing features of Winthrop’s Honors Program courses include: -Symposia which bring together talented students and exceptional teachers in a small group setting. -Interdisciplinary learning which often bridges seemingly disparate areas of study. -Instructional alternatives such as team-teaching, guest lectures, or visits to sites or events associated with the subject of study.

Available Honors Courses
Course availability changes each semester. Additional information may be obtained from the Honors program or by reviewing the available courses on the Winthrop website.

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