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Special Programs

University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe

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Campuses by Category

Campus Profiles

Sustainability Certificate

Program Type
Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Academic Year
Host Only
Through an interdisciplinary curriculum and thoughtful place-bound experiences, the Sustainability Certificate provides students with an integrated, contemporary mastery of sustainability useful across professions and fields of interest.

Additional Information

Requirements: The certificate in Sustainability is earned upon completion of 12 credits chosen from the list of courses. These courses focus interdisciplinary sustainability theory and include a required colloquium course where leaders in the sustainability movement are invited to speak to students throughout the semester. Electives in sustainable topics and/or other available courses applicable to their degree will fill the remainder of the student’s schedule.

Costs: Program costs are the same as the University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe's regular semester at Tahoe programming.

Access Types:
  • Host Enroll: student must be enrolled at the host campus for one term prior to program participation
  • Open: open to all eligible applicants who meet stated deadlines

Contact Information

Henry Conover
Coordinator of Academic Success
775-682-5126 (P)
999 Tahoe Blvd
Incline Village, NV 89451

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