


Tablet Portait

Handheld Landscape

Handheld Portait

F A S T   F A C T S
Location | St. Croix
Population | 40,004
Enrollment | 1,300
Language | English
Calendar | Semester
Canada | Home & Host

Term Dates
Fall | 8/18-12/06
Spring | 1/12-5/09

University of the Virgin Islands, St. Croix

St. Croix, VI
Tropical breezes, Island atmosphere, Clever classes, Friendly folk!
Beaches, Beaches, and Beaches!

About This Campus

We are a welcoming campus that offers our NSE students personal attention. We offer a beautiful island and lovely people who enjoy the cultural exchange with our NSE students. We will provide a college experience with an emphasis on cultural and tropical ambiance in a caring atomsphere. We are "Historically American, Uniquely Caribbean, Globally Interactive". With a population of 41,000, St.Croix encompasses 84 square miles and lies directly in the path of the easterly trade winds. Temperatures range from 75 to 95 degrees. Tropical climate, lush foliage, warm ocean waters, and beautiful beaches aptly describe the assets of the rural island of St.Croix. Prior to 1917, when the United States purchased the islands from Denmark, the islands had been under the flags of seven nations which has resulted in a very rich and diverse heritage influenced by a combination of American, African, Danish, Spanish, and French languages and cultures. UVI is a HBCU, founded in 1962.

Location Information

As the 'gateway to the Caribbean' the U.S. Virgin Islands are located in the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea 1100 miles east-southeast of Miami and 93 miles east of Puerto Rico. St. Croix is the largest island in the U.S. Virgin Islands, lying 40 miles south of St. Thomas and is the easternmost territory under the American flag. The campus is located mid-Island toward the west end of St. Croix. Bus & taxi service are available from the campus to shopping, restaurants, churches and beaches

Helpful Information

Everything on campus is an easy walk. Bus ($1.00) & taxi ($3.00) service each way is available- closest beach 20 minutes away. Students are required to live on campus and purchase a meal plan. Tropical breezes cool our Residence Hall rooms with air-conditioned dorm common areas, classrooms, computer labs and library. Our students enjoy very personal attention from faculty and staff. Research opportunities are available in many disciplines. NSE students are warmly welcomed here at UVI- St. Croix!
2025-2026 Chance of Placement
Host Payment |Open
Home Payment |Closed
Campus Availability & Deadlines
2026-2027 Chance of Placement
Host Payment |Open
Home Payment |Excellent
Understand Chances of Placement


RegistrationClosed Programs

Limited upper level courses in psychology, communication, internships, mathematics, and the sciences.

Notable Academic Programs

  • Business
  • Sociology
  • Preschool Education
  • Psychology - UVI on St. Croix offers a plethora of Psychology courses.
  • Communications

Undergraduate Majors Open to NSE Students

Accounting, Agricultural Business, Agronomy and Crop Science... ++ show all


GPA and Other Academic Requirements Exchange Preferences
  • Full-year exchange Accepted
  • Single term exchange Accepted
Non-Native English Speakers
  • TOEFL: must have a score of 460.00 paper or 48.00 Internet
Summer Exchange
  • Not available
International Students (Visa Students)
  • Will accept Home/Host Pay
Canadian Students - learn more
  • Will accept Home/Host Pay

Tuition / Finances

Figures per Semester are current as of 02/25/25

Finances Tuition and Fees Per Semester - Host Payment Students
  • Pay resident-rate tuition to your host campus. No tuition/fees are paid to your home campus
  • Estimated cost: $2777.00.
  • Figures are based on full-time enrollment.
Tuition and Fees - Home Payment Students
  • Pay regular tuition to your home campus. No tuition/fees are paid to your host campus.
Maximum Credit Hours Per Semester
  • Host Payment: 16 ($147.00 per additional hour)
  • Home Payment: 16 ($147.00 per additional hour)

Financial Aid for NSE Students
Regardless of Payment Plan, financial aid is awarded by and disbursed from your home campus.

Miscellaneous Fees - Per Semester

Purpose Amount Period Plan Status
Housing Deposit $100.00 Semester Host & Home Mandatory
Health Service Fee $40. Semester Host & Home Mandatory
Technology Fee $90 Semester Host & Home Mandatory
Orientation Fee $90. Semester Host & Home Mandatory
Medical Insurance Fee $28.00 Semester Host Mandatory
Registration Fee $30 Semester Host Mandatory
Course Fees / MaterialsVariesSemesterHost & HomeMandatory

Important Notes: All Fees are included in the total Tuition Fee. Fees are itemized on Student Schedule/Bill sent to Incoming students via email upon receipt of ALL UVI Forms. Host Campus Pay students pay all UVI fees. Home Campus Pay students pay only the fees indicated- as of February 2025- total for Home Campus Pay fee is $378. Total for Host Campus is at www.uvi.edu - Search- Tuition & Fees

Room / Meals

Figures are current as of 02/25/25

On-Campus Housing Per Semester Notes About Housing
Our Housing is by gender by suite. We have 14 Housing spaces set aside for NSE students per semester. NSE students can request to room with a local student or another student from the U.S. We currently offer no married student housing. On Campus Housing is required with NO exceptions.

Meal Plans

Notes About Meal Plans
All NSE students are required to live in the Residence Hall therefore all NSE students will choose a Meal Plan. Meals are one per meal time. There is no roll-over for meals. Plan for 20 meals per week or 14 meals per week.


Figures per Semester are current as of 02/25/25

Purpose Amount Period Plan Status
Health Insurance $28.00 Semester Host & Home Mandatory

Important Notes about Health Insurance
This mandatory insurance covers accidental injury on campus or at UVI sponsoreded events. It is a reimbursement policy. Receipts will need to be submitted for review for payment.

Exchange with Canada - Health Insurance
Students must purchase campus health insurance at $28 per semester.


Comments on Problems or Conditions for Access
Taxi required for transport from Airport. Healt Clearance required for Res Hall move-in prior to arrival. Res Hall living is required for all NSE students

Other Health Related Comments
TB test needs to be current within 2 years of arrival in Virgin Islands.

All data in this document is the responsibility of the campus and has been provided by the campus NSE coordinator.
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