


Tablet Portait

Handheld Landscape

Handheld Portait

F A S T   F A C T S
Location | Missoula
Population | 100,000
Enrollment | 100
Language | English
Calendar | Semester
Canada | Host Payment

Term Dates
Fall | 08/29-10/30
Spring | 03/30-5/31

Wild Rockies Field Institute

Missoula, MT
Backpack, camp, cycle, and paddle while you explore the Rocky Mountains.
*Learn from the landscape* *Earn academic credits* *Make friends for life*
"WRFI was the most valuable experience of my undergraduate education."

About This Campus

The Wild Rockies Field Institute (WRFI) is a unique higher education campus that offers field-based, environmentally-focused, expedition style academic courses in the American Rockies. WRFI programs bring together rural communities, Indigenous guest speakers, academic readings, expert instructors, incredible landscapes, and curious students in a transformational experience. Each day, groups spend three to six hours engaged in academic learning, whether that is an instructor lecture, small-group discussion, sharing of written work, debate, or guest lecture (or some combination of these!); the remainder of the day is spent traveling through the landscape. Most of the time, this is through human-powered movement, backpacking, paddling, or cycling. Because WRFI programs are interdisciplinary and focused on the liberal arts, students come from all different academic and personal backgrounds and bring their own lenses and expertise to class discussions. WRFI is Academic--In Nature!

Location Information

WRFI courses occur throughout the American Rockies. Each course has a unique geography it explores, from "crown jewels" like Glacier National Park & the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, to less-traveled areas like the Bob Marshall Wilderness, the Missouri River Breaks, or the Snowcrest Range in Montana to the canyons of the Southwest (we frequent the Dirty Devil, Dark Canyon, and Labyrinth Canyons in Utah). WRFI courses are place-based with academic topics responsive to local ecosystems or issues.

Helpful Information

WRFI's admissions process is somewhat unique for the National Student Exchange. Please complete an initial online application to get started; from there, you'll meet with our Student Experience Manager, fill out an Academic Course Application (including two references), and be conditionally accepted by WRFI. At that point, you will also complete an NSE application and be placed by your campus coordinator. We're excited to work with each student (and NSE coordinator!) through this process!
2025-2026 Chance of Placement
Host Payment |Open
Campus Availability & Deadlines
2026-2027 Chance of Placement
Host Payment |Open
Understand Chances of Placement


  • When will I register? According to class standing
  • Syllabus Request for Course Pre-Approval: Contact Host Coordinator for assistance
Notable Academic Programs
  • Montana Afoot and Afloat: Human/Land Relations - Montana Afoot and Afloat one of WRFI's flagship semester programs, offering 15 academic credits through a 63-day field experience exploring the stunning landscapes of Montana. Students backpack in the Bob Marshall Wilderness, learn from Indigenous elders across Montana, visit both Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks, paddle an iconic section of the Missouri River, explore the Big Snowy mountain range, and paddle the Tounge River. Academics include Environmental Studies, Geography, and Native American Studies. Gain a holistic picture of Montana’s landscapes, ecosystems, and geography by tracing the path of water in Montana’s dramatic landscape from headwaters high up in the mountains to flood plains in valleys that host important wildlife and communities alike. Students on this course will gain an integrated understanding of future, past, and present relationships between the human communities and landscapes that characterize Montana’s rich and diverse geography and is designed to give students the experiences and academic background to formulate a personal land ethic – that is, a vision of a wise and beneficial way to relate to the land.
  • Colorado Plateau: Desert Canyons and Cultures - Colorado Plateau is one of WRFI's flagship semester programs, offering 15 academic credits through a 63-day field experience exploring red rock country of Utah and Arizona. Students backpack both Horseshoe and Dirty Devil Canyons, visit Dine and Hopi elders, backpack in the Dark Canyon Wilderness, and float the Green River. Academics include Natural Resource Science and Management, Environmental Studies, Geography, and Native American Studies. Students on this course will gain an academic and experience-based understanding of the issues faced by the cultures and landscapes of the Colorado Plateau. “Resilience and Revolution in a Region on the Edge” is the unifying theme of the course. We explore how these concepts apply to various biophysical and social systems experiencing disturbance – either by rebounding to a previous state (resilience) or with substantial shifts in structure and function (revolution).

Unique Academic Programs

  • Wild Rockies: Conservation Across Boundaries - Wild Rockies: Conservation Across Boundaries is WRFI's summer semester, offering 12 credits over a 42 day field experience. Students learn about different land management strategies in Montana, the Blackfeet Nation, British Columbia, CA, Alberta, CA, and the tribal lands of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes while considering the conservation outcomes of differing land management strategies. The regions explored in this course are characterized by scenic mountain landscapes and a nearly complete assemblage of native wildlife. These conditions have helped draw a rapidly growing human population, with attendant development impacts on landscapes and wildlife. Students on this course will gain an academic and experience-based understanding of the issues faced by the rural communities and landscapes in this spectacular and evolving region.

Special Programs

Undergraduate Majors Open to NSE Students
Agricultural Biology, Agricultural Business, Agricultural Economics... ++ show all


GPA and Other Academic Requirements Exchange Preferences
  • Full-year exchange Accepted
  • Single term exchange Accepted
Summer Exchange
  • Host Pay only
International Students (Visa Students)
  • Will accept on Host Pay
Canadian Students - learn more
  • Will accept Host Payment Pay

Tuition / Finances

Figures per Semester are current as of 01/13/25

Finances Tuition and Fees Per Semester - Host Payment Students
  • Pay resident-rate tuition to your host campus. No tuition/fees are paid to your home campus
  • Estimated cost: $11995.
  • Figures are based on full-time enrollment.
Maximum Credit Hours Per Semester
  • Host Payment: 15

Financial Aid for NSE Students
Regardless of Payment Plan, financial aid is awarded by and disbursed from your home campus.

Miscellaneous Fees - Per Semester

Purpose Amount Period Plan Status
Course Fees / MaterialsVariesSemesterHost & HomeMandatory

Room / Meals

Figures are current as of 01/13/25

On-Campus Housing Per Semester Notes About Housing
All housing at WRFI is in tents for our field-based programs. Housing on the night prior to and night after a course is estimated in the travel section of the "other costs" represented in tuition.

Meal Plans

Notes About Meal Plans
WRFI provides dinner on all of our courses for all course participants; this is included in our tuition fee. Students are responsible for purchasing their own breakfasts and lunches, estimated at $5 per meal on average.


Campus Links


Figures per Semester are current as of 01/13/25

Exchange with Canada - Health Insurance


    All data in this document is the responsibility of the campus and has been provided by the campus NSE coordinator.
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