


Tablet Portait

Handheld Landscape

Handheld Portait

F A S T   F A C T S
Location | Bowling Green
Population | 75,000
Enrollment | 16,495
Language | English
Calendar | Semester
Canada | Home & Host

Term Dates
Fall | 8/19-12/5
Spring | 01/21-5/8

Western Kentucky University

Bowling Green, KY

About This Campus

Western Kentucky University is a comprehensive research-based university. WKU's mission is to prepare students to be productive, engaged leaders in a global society. WKU aspires to be the university of choice for students who are dedicated to academic excellence. The university offers an inviting, nurturing, and challenging environment, responsive to the intellectual, social, and cultural needs of a diverse learning community. The Spirit on WKU's campus is dynamic and upbeat, with Bowling Green being a quintessential college town and campus at its center. WKU offers countless ways for students to be involved on campus, from over 350 student organizations and leadership/volunteerism opportunities to a robust intramural sports program and outdoor recreation activities center. WKU also presents a series of cultural advancement programs each year, including musical performances and presentations by artists, activists, and authors. We are always excited to welcome NSE students to campus

Location Information

The Hill commands an impressive view of Bowling Green, an attractive city of 60,000, approximately 75 miles from Nashville. The region features great outdoor recreation and cultural attractions usually only found in larger cities. From the many city parks to the Southern Kentucky Performing Arts Center and the Bowling Green Ballpark, home to the Bowling Green Hot Rods, the community offers your choice of activities. We are also within 30 minutes of Mammoth Cave National Park.

Helpful Information

The cost of off-campus housing, food and other life necessities is lower than many larger U.S. cities. While we recommend that students live on-campus, there are several off-campus options within walking distance to campus. WKU offers an excellent bus system travelling to the historical downtown square and main shopping centers. Once you experience being a Hilltopper, you will remain one for life. Go Tops!
2025-2026 Chance of Placement
Host Payment |Open
Home Payment |Closed
Campus Availability & Deadlines
2026-2027 Chance of Placement
Host Payment |Open
Home Payment |Excellent
Understand Chances of Placement


RegistrationClosed Programs
Chinese Flagship, Communication Disorders (Speech Language Pathology), Dental Hygiene, Nursing

Courses in the following majors may be difficult to access because of prerequisites, auditions, priorities for majors and other conditions. Engineering, Honors College, Health and Human Services (Public Health, Speech and Communication Disorders, Dental Hygiene, Environmental Health Science, Health Care Administration, Exercise Science), College of Business (all departments), Journalism and Broadcasting, Teacher Education, Computer Information Systems, Systems Management, Music, Dance.

Notable Academic Programs

  • Public Relations
  • Recreation Administration
  • Journalism and Broadcasting
  • Biology
  • Engineering

Unique Academic Programs

  • Folk Studies and Anthropology
  • Horticulture
  • Criminology
  • English (Professional Writing)
  • Interior Design and Fashion Merchandising

Honors Access: Yes

Undergraduate Majors Open to NSE Students

Accounting, Actuarial Science, Advertising... ++ show all


GPA and Other Academic Requirements Exchange Preferences
  • Full-year exchange Accepted
  • Single term exchange Accepted
Non-Native English Speakers
  • TOEFL: must have a score of N/A paper or 71.00 Internet
  • IELTS: must have a score of 6.00
Summer Exchange
  • Not available
International Students (Visa Students)
  • Will accept Home/Host Pay
Canadian Students - learn more
  • Will accept Home/Host Pay

Tuition / Finances

Figures per Semester are current as of 05/07/24

Finances Tuition and Fees Per Semester - Host Payment Students
  • Pay resident-rate tuition to your host campus. No tuition/fees are paid to your home campus
  • Estimated cost: $6816.
  • Figures are based on full-time enrollment.
Tuition and Fees - Home Payment Students
  • Pay regular tuition to your home campus. No tuition/fees are paid to your host campus.
Maximum Credit Hours Per Semester
  • Host Payment: 18 ($568 per additional hour)
  • Home Payment: 18 ($568 per additional hour)

Financial Aid for NSE Students
Regardless of Payment Plan, financial aid is awarded by and disbursed from your home campus.

Miscellaneous Fees - Per Semester

Purpose Amount Period Plan Status
Housing Deposit $225 Year Host & Home Mandatory
Parking Fee $125 Year Host & Home Optional
Meal Flex Plan Fee $325 Semester Host & Home Optional
Course Fees / MaterialsVariesSemesterHost & HomeMandatory

Important Notes: The housing damage deposit is refundable based on check out status. The Meal Flex Plan is applied to a student's account if they are not enrolled in a traditional meal plan- this applies to both students living on & off campus. The amount of the Flex Plan will be loaded onto the student's WKU ID card and can be used to pay for meals at any of WKU's on-campus restaurant locations.

Room / Meals

Figures are current as of 05/07/24

On-Campus Housing Per Semester Off-Campus Housing
  • Approximate monthly cost: $475
  • Proximity to campus: .5
Notes About Housing
Local transportation includes a campus shuttle system, limited public transportation, and shuttles offered by some apartment complexes near campus.

Meal Plans

Notes About Meal Plans
WKU offers a variety of meal plans. The prices above reflect the cost of the # of meals per week plus meal plan dollars. See WKU website for more information. There are also pay-as-you-go options.


Figures per Semester are current as of 05/07/24

Exchange with Canada - Health Insurance
Students must purchase campus health insurance at $1,000 per semester.


    Comments on Problems or Conditions for Access
    Nashville, Tenesssee, is the closest airport.

    Other Health Related Comments
    International students are required to have health insurance. WKU will review your current policy to determine if a waiver is appropriate.

    All data in this document is the responsibility of the campus and has been provided by the campus NSE coordinator.
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