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F A S T   F A C T S
Location | Galloway
Population | 37,813
Enrollment | 9,080
Language | English
Calendar | Semester
Canada | Home Payment

Term Dates
Fall | 09/05-12/15
Spring | 01/15-05/05

Stockton University

Galloway, NJ

Small classes, with 150+ areas of study.
Stay in our Galloway campus pineland preserve, or in Atlantic City on the beach.
We are a diverse and welcoming community near NYC and Philadelphia.

About This Campus

Stockton University is ranked among the top public universities in the Northeast with more than 160 undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as continuing education opportunities. Founded in 1969, Stockton held its first classes in 1971. As a public university, Stockton provides an environment for excellence to a diverse student body, including those from underrepresented populations, through an interdisciplinary approach to liberal arts, sciences and professional education. The University’s commitment to cultural diversity and its welcoming and vibrant community makes Stockton a great place for your exchange.

Location Information

The University, one hour from Philadelphia and two hours from New York City, offers unique living and learning environments throughout southern New Jersey, including the 1,600 acre Galloway campus in the Pinelands National Reserve and Stockton University Atlantic City, located in the University District, just steps from the beach and the iconic Atlantic City Boardwalk.
2025-2026 Chance of Placement
Host Payment |Limited
Home Payment |Open
Campus Availability & Deadlines
2026-2027 Chance of Placement
Host Payment |Open
Home Payment |Open
Understand Chances of Placement


  • Campus Catalog
  • When will I register? According to class standing
  • Syllabus Request for Course Pre-Approval: Contact Host Coordinator for assistance
Closed Programs
Nursing, Pre-Professional Heath.

Notable Academic Programs

  • Business Administration - One of the principal goals of the program is to provide students with an expanded awareness of the complex political, social and economic environments within which all organizations and individuals must function. To meet these goals, the program is committed to the education and development of enlightened talent that will recognize and respond to the many complex problems facing public and private organizations. The program is dedicated to creating awareness among its students of the many alternative career paths available. Graduates are prepared for immediate entry into career fields and graduate programs.
  • Health Science - The BSHS Program prepares students for a range of career options, from entry-level positions in the health services arena, to admission into graduate or professional educational programs in disciplines such as medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, physician assistant, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students are provided with the underpinnings of interprofessional collaborative practice in health care and acquire foundational understanding of the interrelationships among health professionals.
  • Criminal Justice - The vision of the Criminal Justice program is to provide a broad knowledge of the criminal justice system while providing students with content on the specific trends, challenges, and advances in the field.
  • Visual and Performing Arts - Within the Performing Arts program you can study concentrations in Dance Performance, Dance Studio Operations, Dance Pre-Movement Sciences, and Dance Pre-Physical Therapy Dance; in Music with concentrations in Instrumental or Vocal Music Studies and K-12 Music Education; and in Theatre with concentrations in Acting, Creative Project Development, and Producing and Management for Stage and Screen. The Visual Arts program prepares students for careers as artists, graphic designers, photographers, illustrators, and fabricators, as well as careers in education, business, galleries and museums, and not-for-profit organizations.
  • Communication Studies - Communication Studies is both theoretical and practical. Students are expected to understand a set of interlocking concerns: how institutions shape the message and how people interpret the message; the possibilities and the limits of particular media; the influence of culture upon communication technologies; and the effects of technological change upon society as a whole. Additionally, students are expected to manage the tools of their discipline: computers, video, radio, print, and spoken discourse.

Unique Academic Programs

  • Africana Studies - Students electing to pursue courses in the Africana Studies program are entering into the current intellectual dialogue on multiculturalism in this society as they study with professors who have conducted notable research in African, Caribbean, Africana, and African-American Studies. The Africana Studies program at Stockton University is affiliated with the National Council for Black Studies, Inc. (NCBS).
  • Esports Management - The BS in Esports Management degree is highly interdisciplinary, building foundations across the School of Business including Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management, Business Studies (Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing), and Computer Science. Students enrolled in this program gain hands-on experience within the university’s Esports student community and competitive team, local professional Esports organizations, and business partners including the Atlantic City Esports Innovation Center located in Stockton’s residential building complex. Students will learn business fundamentals, how to manage and produce Esports events, and develop skills as part of the program’s experiential learning sequence including professional work experience and internship requirements.
  • Hospitality, Tourism, and Events Management - There is no better way to immerse yourself in the field of hospitality than to learn at our newest campus situated right in a major tourist destination, Atlantic City. Our new facility is the most modern and technologically advanced overlooking the Atlantic City skyline. You will learn from our experienced faculty and interact and connect with industry partners who will give you a first hand insight and hands-on experience in hospitality, tourism, and event management.
  • Marine Science - Stockton's Marine Science (MARS) program encompasses two general areas of study: Marine Biology and Oceanography. The program is interdisciplinary and requires student competence in several areas of science. A number of field and laboratory courses, seminars, independent studies, internships, and research opportunities which emphasize experiential learning are offered. Stockton University is one of only a few undergraduate institutions in the U.S. that offers a degree program in Marine Science with a dedicated, easily accessible field facility (Stockton Marine Field Station). Students have the opportunity to collaborate with faculty to design and implement research projects. Students are encouraged to present results at the NAMS Undergraduate Research Symposium and regional conferences.
  • Holocaust and Genocide Studies - The minor in Holocaust and Genocide Studies provides a broad interdisciplinary study of the Holocaust and other genocides of the 20th and 21st centuries. Studies about the Holocaust and other genocides address a central tenet of education: What does it mean to be a responsible citizen in a democratic society? Such study can help students realize that: The genocide of the Jews during World War II and the Nazi Era was a “watershed event” in human history. Democratic institutions and values are not automatically sustained but need to be appreciated, nurtured, and protected. Silence and indifference to the suffering of others, or to the infringement of human and civil rights in any society—however unintentionally—serves to perpetrate the problems. Genocides are not “accidents” in history— genocides occur because individuals, organizations and governments make choices that not only legalize discrimination but allow prejudice, hatred and ultimately mass murder to occur.

Undergraduate Majors Open to NSE Students

Accounting, African American Studies, African Studies... ++ show all


GPA and Other Academic Requirements Exchange Preferences
  • Full-year exchange Accepted
  • Single term exchange Accepted
Summer Exchange
  • Not available
International Students (Visa Students)
  • Will accept Home/Host Pay
Canadian Students - learn more
  • Will accept Home Payment Pay

Tuition / Finances

Figures per Semester are current as of 05/02/24

Finances Tuition and Fees Per Semester - Host Payment Students
  • Pay resident-rate tuition to your host campus. No tuition/fees are paid to your home campus
  • Estimated cost: $7766.
  • Figures are based on full-time enrollment.
Tuition and Fees - Home Payment Students
  • Pay regular tuition to your home campus. No tuition/fees are paid to your host campus.
Maximum Credit Hours Per Semester
  • Host Payment: 20 ($388 per additional hour)
  • Home Payment: 20

Financial Aid for NSE Students
Regardless of Payment Plan, financial aid is awarded by and disbursed from your home campus.

Miscellaneous Fees - Per Semester

Purpose Amount Period Plan Status
Admission Fee $50 Year Host & Home Optional
NSE Program Fee $200 Year Host & Home Mandatory
Housing Deposit $250 Year Host & Home Mandatory
Orientation Fee $150 Year Host & Home Mandatory
Transcript Fee $30 Year Host & Home Mandatory
Course Fees / MaterialsVariesSemesterHost & HomeMandatory

Room / Meals

Figures are current as of 05/02/24

On-Campus Housing Per Semester Off-Campus Housing
  • Approximate monthly cost: $1150
  • Proximity to campus:
  • Local Public Transportation Available to Campus
Meal Plans


Figures per Semester are current as of 05/02/24

Exchange with Canada - Health Insurance


    All data in this document is the responsibility of the campus and has been provided by the campus NSE coordinator.
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