Registration- Campus Catalog
- When will I register? After campus students
- Syllabus Request for Course Pre-Approval: Contact Host Coordinator for assistance
Closed ProgramsNursing and most College of Health Professions degrees
Aviation program
Aviation Mechanics program
Communication disorders, upper level biology, and health sciences. Audition or portfolio is required for admission to some music and art classes.
Notable Academic Programs
- International Business - The Division of Finance and Economics offers a Bachelor of Business Administration degree (BBA) in International Business. International Business focuses on
cross-border commerce and the legal requirements and trade regulations in the country where you are doing business. You will learn to understand the competitive global landscape of business and understand the impact international trade has on domestic and foreign markets.
- Cyber Forensics and Security - The Bachelor of Science in Cyber Forensics and Security prepares students to meet the challenges of today’s cyber threats. Cyber Forensics and Security skills are
in high demand in law enforcement, business, government, defense, intelligence, and the private sector. The program has a solid foundation in science, technology, and communication skills. Students learn to conduct forensic analysis on a variety of devices and systems, defend a network, testify in court, and conduct
penetration tests among other skills.
- COMMERCIAL PILOT: FIXED-WING, B.S. - Bill Noe Flight School:
Marshall University’s planned Commercial Pilot: Fixed Wing, B.S., degree program will help meet the nation’s projected significant need for commercial pilots over the next 20 years. Its ground and flight courses will lead to a series of FAA certifications and will prepare graduates to become commercial pilots of single and multi-engine aircraft.
- AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY, A.A.S. - Housed at Huntington Tri-State Airport, the Aviation Maintenance Technology program will be designed to allow students to obtain their degrees in addition to earning FAA certifications in airframe and powerplant maintenance (A&P).
Honors Access: Yes
Undergraduate Majors Open to NSE Students
Accounting, Advertising, Anthropology, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Art, Art Education, Asian Studies, Athletic Training, Aviation Studies, Biochemistry, Biology/Life Science, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Broadcasting, Business Management, Cell Biology, Ceramic Art/Ceramics, Chemistry, Child Development, Civil Engineering, Communication, Communication Disorders, Communication Studies, Computer Game Design, Creative Writing, Criminal Justice, Dietetics, Digital Arts, Early Childhood Education, Ecology, Economics, Elementary Education, English, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Sciences, Exercise Science, Experimental Pathology, Finance/Banking, Forensic Science, French, Geography, Geology, German, Graphic Design, History, Human Resource Management, International Business, International Relations, Japanese, Journalism, Junior High/Middle School Education, Latin American Studies, Literature, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Merchandising and Buying Operations, Meteorology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Music, Music Education, Music Theory and Composition, Natural Resources Conservation, Organizational Communications, Performance and Directing, Philosophy, Photography, Physical Education, Physics, Political Science, Printmaking, Psychology, Public Relations, Radio and Television Studies, Recreation Management, Religious Studies/Theology, Secondary Education, Social Work, Sociology, Spanish, Special Education, Sports Management/Administration, Statistics, Theater Arts/Drama/Acting, Visual Arts
Tuition / Finances
Figures per Semester are current as of 06/17/24
Tuition and Fees - Home Payment Students
- Pay regular tuition to your home campus. No tuition/fees are paid to your host campus.
Maximum Credit Hours Per Semester
Financial Aid for NSE Students
Regardless of Payment Plan, financial aid is awarded by and disbursed from your home campus.
Miscellaneous Fees - Per Semester
Purpose |
Amount |
Period |
Plan |
Status |
Admission Fee |
$50 |
Year |
Home |
Mandatory |
Housing Deposit |
$200 |
Year |
Home |
Mandatory |
ID Card |
$20 |
Year |
Home |
Mandatory |
Parking Fee |
$170 |
Year |
Home |
Optional |
Course Fees / Materials | Varies | Semester | Host & Home | Mandatory |
Room / Meals
Figures are current as of 06/17/24
On-Campus Housing Per Semester
Off-Campus Housing
- Approximate monthly cost: $975
- Proximity to campus: 1
- Local Public Transportation Available to Campus
Meal Plans
Notes About Meal PlansThe above meal plans also come with varying levels of Dining Dollars. Dining dollars can be used like cash and are for personal or guest use in the following locations: MSC Food Court, All Campus Coffee Shops, Smith Hall Simply to Go, and Towers Food Court.
More information can be found at:
Figures per Semester are current as of 06/17/24
Exchange with Canada - Health InsuranceStudents must purchase campus health insurance at $550 per semester.