


Tablet Portait

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Handheld Portait

F A S T   F A C T S
Location | Tuscaloosa
Population | 100,633
Enrollment | 38,645
Language | English
Calendar | Semester
Canada | Home & Host

Term Dates
Fall | 08/22-12/14
Spring | 01/09-05/03

University of Alabama

Tuscaloosa, AL


About This Campus

Tuscaloosa, with 100,633 residents, lies in the very heartland of the South. It rests on the banks of the Black Warrior River, with Birmingham 55 miles northeast, Atlanta 204 miles to the east, and New Orleans 293 miles to the southwest. Many recreational activities are available in the Tuscaloosa area, offering students a first-hand look at the South today and insights into the South of yesteryear. The State's first institution of higher learning, the University of Alabama opened its doors to students in 1831. The campus is one of the most beautiful in the South, centered upon a vast quadrangle with giant oaks and elms and with a mix of buildings reflecting the 150-year history of the institution. A major comprehensive, residential institution, the University has developed into a major teaching, research, and service facility, containing 17 schools and colleges.

Location Information

The University of Alabama is located in the heart of beautiful Tuscaloosa, AL. Our spacious and charming campus is located on the bank of the Black Warrior River, near bustling downtown Tuscaloosa.
2025-2026 Chance of Placement
Host Payment |Open
Home Payment |Most Competitive
Understand Chances of Placement


RegistrationClosed Programs
Nursing, Athletic Training, Education, Social Work, Dance, and Management Information Systems.

NSE students entering the College of Commerce and Business Administration should prepare a course alternative list. Music majors are required to audition.

Notable Academic Programs

  • Theater Arts/Drama
  • Communications
  • Public Relations

Unique Academic Programs

  • Broadcasting

Undergraduate Majors Open to NSE Students

Accounting, Advertising, Aerospace Engineering... ++ show all


GPA and Other Academic Requirements Exchange Preferences
  • Full-year exchange Accepted
  • Single term exchange Accepted
Summer Exchange
  • Not available
International Students (Visa Students)
  • Will not accept
Canadian Students - learn more
  • Will accept Home/Host Pay

Tuition / Finances

Figures per Semester are current as of 06/23/23

Finances Tuition and Fees Per Semester - Host Payment Students
  • Pay resident-rate tuition to your host campus. No tuition/fees are paid to your home campus
  • Estimated cost: $5950.
  • Figures are based on full-time enrollment.
Tuition and Fees - Home Payment Students
  • Pay regular tuition to your home campus. No tuition/fees are paid to your host campus.
Maximum Credit Hours Per Semester
  • Host Payment: 16 ($440 per additional hour)
  • Home Payment: 16 ($385 per additional hour)

Financial Aid for NSE Students
Regardless of Payment Plan, financial aid is awarded by and disbursed from your home campus.

Miscellaneous Fees - Per Semester

Purpose Amount Period Plan Status
Admission Fee $40 Year Host & Home Mandatory
NSE Program Fee $50 Semester Host & Home Mandatory
Housing Deposit $300 Year Host & Home Optional
Parking Fee $345 Year Host & Home Optional
Orientation Fee $120 Year Host & Home Optional
Course Fees / MaterialsVariesSemesterHost & HomeMandatory

Room / Meals

Figures are current as of 06/23/23

On-Campus Housing Per Semester Off-Campus Housing
  • Off-Campus Housing
  • Approximate monthly cost: $Depends on where student selects.
  • Proximity to campus: Varies
Meal Plans Notes About Meal Plans
All Access: $1,901, unlimited meals Bama Silver: $1,232, 125 meals Bama Bronze: $938, 90 meals Essential Plan: $723, 55 meals and 25 retail combos Bama 55: $576, 55 meals VIP Membership: $172, 25 retail combos


Figures per Semester are current as of 06/23/23

Exchange with Canada - Health Insurance
Students must purchase campus health insurance at $1,200 per year.


All data in this document is the responsibility of the campus and has been provided by the campus NSE coordinator.
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