


Tablet Portait

Handheld Landscape

Handheld Portait

Honors Access

University of Montana

Contact Information

Dr. Tim Nichols
Davidson Honors College 104
Missoula, MT 59812
P | 406-243-2541
F | 406-243-6446
updated | 05/24
Home campus enrollment is required.
3.5 GPA Required
About the Program
Davidson Honors College provides outstanding undergraduate students with extraordinary educational and cultural opportunities. Honors College students enroll in challenging courses and participate in special experiences outside the classroom enhancing regular University offerings and activities. The Honors College is open to students in any academic major and offers the intensive learning environment of a small college within a larger research university.

Available Honors Courses
Honors courses are offered in most academic programs. Find the most recent list of honors courses online at http://dhc.umt.edu/default.php

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