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Handheld Portait

Honors Access

Michigan Technological University

Contact Information

Marika Seigel
Dean of the Pavlis Honors College
722 I, Minerals and Materials Engineering Building
1400 Townsend Dr
Houghton, MI 49931
P | 906-487-3046
updated | 08/24
Home campus enrollment NOT required.
2.5 GPA Required
About the Program
We know we're different than other honors colleges. Here's why we do it our way: Which would you rather be: someone who accepts external formulas without question and applies them in decision-making, or someone who determines their own compass and makes judgments about which framework to use? If you're a hiring manager, who would you rather employ: someone with a few extra advanced-level classes in a specific field (which may have an expiration date as technologies rapidly change)? Or someone with a demonstrated ability to continuously learn, adapt, self-manage, and lead (which could shape your company for years to come)? We're less concerned with advanced in-major honors courses because we're lucky—we're at Michigan Tech. So we focus on skills that will matter after day one. A lifelong toolkit that will help you make decisions, lead when it matters, and keep charting your own pathway—personally and professionally.

Available Honors Courses
HON 1150 - Creating Your Path, HON 2150 - Pavilis Seminar I, Hon 2500 - Entering Research I, HON 2990 - Interdisciplinary Special Topics in Honors, HON 3060 - Honors Practicum, HON 3150 - Pavlis Seminar II, HON 3300 - Innovation through Human-Centered Design, HON 3990 - Interdisciplinary Special Topics in Honors, HON 4070 - Leadership Practicum, HON 4150 - Pavlis Seminar III, HON 4250 - Experiential Learning in Cross-Cultural Immersions, HON 4300 - Introduction to the Fundamentals of Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, HON 4990 - Interdisciplinary Special Topics in Honors

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