


Tablet Portait

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Handheld Portait

Honors Access

University of New Hampshire

Contact Information

Hamel Honors & Scholars College
Huddleston Hall, suite 201
73 Main Street
Durham, NH 03824
P | 603-862-3928
F | N/A
updated | 02/25
Home campus enrollment is required.
3.4 GPA Required
About the Program
The UNH Hamel Honors & Scholars College provides an enhanced academic experience for intellectually motivated students. It also draws together an entire community of peer scholars attracted by a history of academic excellence and intellectual curiosity. Our program encourages community by providing an Honors residential hall, dynamic Honors courses, a comprehensive mentoring program, individual advising, and enjoyable Honors activities. As a result, students who participate in the University Honors Program discover that being a part of Honors can be more than a distinction--it can be an enriched University experience.

Available Honors Courses
Access to honors courses is on a space available basis and only with permission of the honors program advisor. Registration will take place after all current students register. Upper division courses (600-700 level) are not available to exchange students.

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