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Honors Access

Salem State University

Contact Information

Kimberly Potievin
Commonwealth Honors Program Chair
Berry Library - Efrosine Yeannakopoulos Center for
352 Lafayette Street
Salem, MA 01970
P | 978-542-7250
updated | 03/25
Home campus enrollment is required.
3.2 GPA Required
About the Program
The Commonwealth Honors Program fulfills Salem State's commitment to provide a stimulating academic environment that offers a high quality education at an affordable cost. It's designed to offer a more challenging curriculum to students whose abilities and previous performance are demonstrably higher than the norm. All majors are eligible to participate in honors. The program enables motivated and talented students to work with our most accomplished and enthusiastic faculty. Honors courses are qualitatively different in design and content, and smaller class size allows greater interaction. A seminar format is used in most honors courses, giving students the opportunity for independent research, class presentations, and the chance to learn from one another. Field trips and visiting scholar sessions add to a rich academic experience. Students are encouraged to think independently and creatively, and complete a senior honors project, typically a capstone experience that stands as an education high-water mark.

Available Honors Courses
BIO115H Honors Biology I Cells BIO116H Honors Biology II Organisms BUS170H Introduction to Business: Honors ENL110H Freshmen Honors Writing ENL264H Studies in Literature I ENL265H Studies in Literature II GLS170H Honors Dynamic Earth GLS171H Honors Historical Geology GPH105H Foundations of Global Studies HST109H Honors World History IDS600H Honors Seminar I IDS601H Honors Seminar II IDS603H Honors Independent Study PHL350H Topics in Ethics POL110H PSY170H SOC202H

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