


Tablet Portait

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Handheld Portait

Study Abroad

Augsburg CGEE: Conflict, Peace, and Transition in Northern Ireland

Contact Information

Sarah Morgan
Study Abroad Advisor

Program Site

Londonderry, Ireland
Courses In English?
Intercultural Studies
# of Credits
12 - 18

These courses will appear on this university's transcript.

Program Term(s)

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Requirements & Other Information

  • This program is open to sophmores - juniors - seniors
  • A GPA of 2.5 is required.
  • ACCESS TYPES - Direct - Open
  • This program is administered by our campus.


- Program Fees: $17,300.00 for the semester.
- Transportation: $1,000.00 for the semester.
- Room and Meals: $3,700.00 for the semester.
- 0 (Other Fee): $2,850.00 to $3,350.00 for the semester.

Throughout its history, Northern Ireland has grappled with an ongoing identity-based conflict that divides neighbors, communities, and the country itself. This history is physically present in the form of imposing walls (some 400 years old, others much more recent), and a border that has divided the island of Ireland for 100 years. Deeply segregated communities are byproducts of the trauma caused by years of violence. The conflict and its legacy ripples out into the language, governance, and everyday life of Northern Irish citizens. Throughout this International Conflict Research Institute-affiliated semester-long program students wrestle with challenging questions: What does it mean to be a victim/survivor? A perpetrator? How can we heal after hurt? How do we reckon with the full weight of the past? Students critically examine the work of justice, reconciliation, and repair. Students live, work, and learn in the city of Derry-Londonderry. There and other parts of Northern Ireland, including Belfast and border areas, students meet with community members directly impacted by violence, who now work to share stories and foster healing dialogue. Individual internships allow students to be actively involved in the ongoing work of peacebuilding and community development. Past internship sites include Children in Crossfire, The Rainbow Project, and The Playhouse Theatre.

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