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Handheld Portait

Campuses by Category

Chance of Placement - 1st Choice Campus

Nearly 85% of NSE applicants are placed at their first-choice campus. Review this page to understand the placement process. Below is a guide for understanding the chance of placement at each campus you may be considering. Campuses establish individual exchange acceptance policies:
  • Applicants must meet general NSE eligibility requirements.
  • Every campus may have additional requirements, preferences, and restrictions. Carefully read the campus profile of your first-choice campus.
  • Some campuses require a balance of incoming and outgoing students. Other campuses do not have such restrictions.
  • Your personal accomplishments (high GPA) generally do not impact your chance of placement unless required as a condition of eligibility.
Your home campus NSE Coordinator can help you understand your chance of placement at your first-choice school. ALL applicants are encouraged to choose 1-3 alternate schools.

Use this KEY as a guide to choose a first-choice campus. If your first-choice campus does not have an "OPEN" chance of placement, we encourage you to choose 1-3 alternate campuses. Use this page to make sure you choose solid alternate options.

  • OPEN = Accepts 100% of qualified students
  • EXCELLENT = Accepts 75-99% of qualified students
  • GOOD = Accepts 50-74% of qualified students
  • LIMITED = Accepts 25-49% of qualified students
  • MOST COMPETITIVE = Accepts less than 25% of qualified students
  • CLOSED = Not currently accepting students

CampusHost PaymentHome Payment
Alabama State University (AL)OpenOpen
Boise State University (ID)OpenExcellent
Brandon University (MB)OpenOpen
Bridgewater State University (MA)OpenOpen
Buffalo State University (NY)OpenOpen
California State University, Chico (CA)OpenLimited
California State University, East Bay (CA)OpenGood
California State University, Monterey Bay (CA)OpenLimited
California State University, Northridge (CA)OpenGood
California State University, Stanislaus (CA)OpenExcellent
Colorado Mesa University (CO)OpenExcellent
Colorado State University Pueblo (CO)OpenOpen
East Central University (OK)OpenOpen
Florida International University (FL)OpenExcellent
Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Barranquitas (PR)OpenMost Competitive
Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Metropolitan (PR)OpenOpen
Inter American University of Puerto Rico, San German (PR)OpenOpen
Iowa State University (IA)OpenGood
Louisiana State University of Alexandria (LA)OpenOpen
Minnesota State University, Mankato (MN)OpenOpen
Minnesota State University, Moorhead (MN)OpenOpen
Missouri Southern State University (MO)OpenOpen
Montana State University (MT)OpenExcellent
North Dakota State University (ND)OpenOpen
Northern Arizona University (AZ)OpenGood
Northwestern State University (LA)OpenOpen
Oklahoma State University (OK)OpenExcellent
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico (PR)OpenOpen
Prairie View A&M University (TX)OpenExcellent
Purdue University Fort Wayne (IN)OpenOpen
Queens College, CUNY (NY)OpenGood
Salem State University (MA)OpenExcellent
San Jose State University (CA)OpenGood
Sonoma State University (CA)OpenGood
South Dakota State University (SD)OpenOpen
Southern Oregon University (OR)OpenExcellent
Southern University (LA)OpenExcellent
Southern Utah University (UT)OpenExcellent
St. Cloud State University (MN)OpenOpen
Stockton University (NJ)OpenOpen
Stony Brook University (NY)OpenExcellent
SUNY Plattsburgh (NY)OpenOpen
SUNY Potsdam (NY)OpenExcellent
Texas A & M University - Kingsville (TX)OpenOpen
Universidad del Sagrado Corazon (PR)OpenExcellent
Université de Montréal (QC)OpenExcellent
University of Alabama (AL)OpenMost Competitive
University of Alaska Anchorage (AK)OpenExcellent
University of Alaska Fairbanks (AK)OpenExcellent
University of Alaska Southeast (Juneau) (AK)OpenExcellent
University of Central Arkansas (AR)OpenOpen
University of Colorado Colorado Springs (CO)OpenExcellent
University of Guam (GU)OpenExcellent
University of Hawaii at Hilo (HI)OpenLimited
University of Hawaii at Manoa (HI)OpenMost Competitive
University of Idaho (ID)OpenExcellent
University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA)OpenExcellent
University of Massachusetts Boston (MA)OpenExcellent
University of Memphis (TN)OpenGood
University of Minnesota, Duluth (MN)OpenExcellent
University of Minnesota, Morris (MN)OpenOpen
University of Minnesota, Rochester (MN)OpenOpen
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (MN)OpenExcellent
University of Montana (MT)OpenExcellent
University of Montana Western (MT)OpenOpen
University of Montevallo (AL)OpenOpen
University of Nebraska at Kearney (NE)OpenOpen
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (NV)OpenN/A
University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe (NV)OpenN/A
University of New Mexico (NM)OpenOpen
University of New Orleans (LA)OpenLimited
University of Puerto Rico, Bayamon (PR)OpenOpen
University of Puerto Rico, Cayey (PR)OpenOpen
University of Puerto Rico, Humacao (PR)OpenOpen
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (PR)OpenOpen
University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (PR)OpenOpen
University of Rhode Island (RI)OpenGood
University of South Dakota (SD)OpenOpen
University of the Virgin Islands, St. Croix (VI)OpenExcellent
University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas (VI)OpenExcellent
University of Wyoming (WY)OpenOpen
Vermont State University (VT)OpenOpen
Washington Alexandria Architecture Center (VA)OpenN/A
Weber State University (UT)OpenMost Competitive
West Chester University of Pennsylvania (PA)OpenClosed
West Virginia University (WV)OpenGood
Western Colorado University (CO)OpenOpen
Western Kentucky University (KY)OpenExcellent
Western Oregon University (OR)OpenOpen
Western Washington University (WA)OpenMost Competitive
Westfield State University (MA)OpenOpen
Widener University (PA)OpenExcellent
Wild Rockies Field Institute (MT)OpenN/A
William Paterson University of New Jersey (NJ)OpenOpen
Worcester State University (MA)OpenExcellent
Ball State University (IN)ExcellentExcellent
University of Georgia (GA)ExcellentLimited
California Polytechnic State U, San Luis Obispo (CA)GoodMost Competitive
California State University, San Bernardino (CA)GoodGood
University of Regina (SK)LimitedMost Competitive
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (TX)LimitedLimited
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