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NSE Member Campuses

United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, & U.S. Virgin Islands

Austin Peay State University
International White House
Ball State University
SC102, Rinker Center for Global Affairs
Boise State University
Simplot Micron Advising and Success Hub, room 227
Bowie State University
Thurgood Marshall Library 1122B
Brandon University
Office of International Activities G13 McMaster Hall
Bridgewater State University
Minnock Institute for Global Engagement
Brock University
International Centre; Glenridge B - Room 225
California State University, Chico
Student Services Center, Room 440
California State University, East Bay
Student/Faculty Building, Room 102
California State University, Northridge
Int'l & Exchange Student Ctr.
California State University, San Bernardino
Office of Student Leadership & Engagement
Cleveland State University
Berkman Hall Suite 412
College of St. Scholastica
Center for Experiential Learning, Tower 1130
Colorado Mesa University
Registrar's Office LHH 4th Floor
Dillard University
Professional School Building Suite 101
Eastern Connecticut State University
J. Eugene Smith Library 227
Fayetteville State University
Lyons Science Annex, Office 330A
Florida A&M University
Perry-Paige, Suite 302 North
Frostburg State University
Career & Professional Development Center
Gustavus Adolphus College
Carlson International Center
Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Arecibo
Humanistic Studies Department B-217
Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Barranquitas
Education, Social Sciences and Humanities Department
Iowa State University
1080 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center
Keene State College
Elliot Hall, 1st Floor
Mars Hill University
Cornwell Hall 310
Marshall University
Office of National Scholarships, Old Main 230E
Michigan Technological University
Admin 200, International Programs and Services Office
Montclair State University
Cole Hall, room 349
New Mexico State University
Garcia Center, Room 224
North Dakota State University
Memorial Union, Room 116
Northwestern State University
Student Services Center, Suite 249
Oakland University
O'Dowd Hall, Room 328
Oklahoma State University
201 Wes Watkins Center
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico
Registrar Office/Student Exchange Program
Prairie View A&M University
Alvin I. Thomas Bldg., Ste 013, Room 017
Rhode Island College
Adams Library 1st Level
Rocky Mountain College
Prescott Hall 112
Salem State University
Center for Academic Excellence
Salisbury University
Janet Dudley Eshbach Center for International Education
San Jose State University
Study Abroad & Away, Student Union - West
Sonoma State University
International Hall 107
South Dakota State University
Office of Multicultural Affairs & Accessibility
Southern Oregon University
International Programs, SU 322
Southern University
Agricultural Research & Extension Center
Southern Utah University
Student Center 169
St. Olaf College
Tomson Hall, 380
Stockton University
Galloway Campus, F-028
SUNY Plattsburgh
Global Education Office, Kehoe 1000
SUNY Potsdam
Lougheed Center for Applied Learning, Lougheed Learning Commons
Texas A & M University - Kingsville
Jernigan Library, Room 315
Towson University
Study Abroad & Away Office, Psychology 408
Tuskegee University
Kenny Hall, Room 70-118
Universidad del Sagrado Corazon
Center for Professional and International Experiences (SC-003)
Université de Montréal
UdeM international
Universite de Sherbrooke
USherbrooke International, E5-1283
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
Service des relations internationales
University of Alabama
3500 Student Center
University of Alaska Anchorage
Office of Admissions, Enrollment Services Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Alberta
142 Telus Centre
University of Calgary
Study Abroad Office - MacKimmie Tower 5th floor
University of Georgia
1324 S. Lumpkin St
University of Guam
UOG Field House
University of Hawaii at Hilo
Student Services Center E-209
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2600 Campus Road QLCSS 212C Honolulu, HI 96822
University of Idaho
LLC #3, Ground Floor
University of Massachusetts Boston
Campus Center,2nd fl., Rm.2100
University of Memphis
Honors Hall, 425 Patterson St
University of Michigan-Flint
University of Montana Western
Learning Center-Library Basement
University of Montevallo
GLOCO-Global & Community Outreach
University of New Hampshire
Conant Hall room 310
University of New Mexico
Global Education Office
University of New Orleans
124 &126 International Center
University of Northern Iowa
Human Performance Ctr 106
University of Puerto Rico, Cayey
Students Exchange Office/Admissions Office
University of Puerto Rico, Humacao
International Relations Affairs Office/1st floor of the Student Services Building
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Student Center Bld. 4th floor #409
University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
Plaza Universitaria Building, Office 2211
University of Regina
College West RM 109
University of Rhode Island
International Center, 37 Lower College Road
University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas
Counseling and Career Services Office
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Dreyfus University Center, Rm 203
University of Wisconsin-Superior
Office of Intercultural Student Success - Old Main 230
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Center for Global Education
University of Wyoming
Education Abroad Office (1st Floor), Cheney International Center
Utah State University
Military Science 118C
Washington State University
The Commons, 225 SE Idaho St, Rm 209
Weber State University
Modular 7 (Between Lind Lecture Hall & Interprofessional Education)
West Virginia University
101 Purinton House
Western Oregon University
Werner University Center 203
Westfield State University
Parenzo Hall Suite 138
Wichita State University
Rhatigan Student Center, Room 216
Widener University
Upper Level, University Center
Winthrop University
The International Center (Dinkins 218)
Worcester State University
International Programs

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