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Student Ambassador: Meet Natasha

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Natasha Winston Clarke is a public relations major minoring in web design and production. Tasha participated in the National Student Exchange program studying away at THEE ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITY for the 2019-2020 academic year.

Natasha loves creating whether it be videos, websites, or a touch of graphic design. Currently, they are in the middle of revamping their social media presence and rebranding and is just gathering the tools to do so. Being a communications major, Natasha's superpower would have to be the ability to shape shift like Mystique from Marvel or Martian Manhunter from DC. Natasha likes to be versatile and blend in with surroundings. Outside of school, they love traveling a lot and just simply being in the air. So far, they has been skydiving, helicopter riding, and hang gliding. As for traveling, Natasha's goal for next year is to see the world. 

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