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Keeping focus while on exchange

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As the semester starts up and professors begin assigning projects and work it can get busy pretty fast. I found that the best way to stay on top schoolwork is to find a special place that you can focus and get work done.

Over last semester and this semester, I’ve found a couple different go to spots when I need to get my work done. My favorite place to study is called Rendezvous. It’s one of the dining halls here at Montana State. Although you might picture it being loud and crowded in a dining hall its actually the opposite. Rendezvous has an upper level that is quiet and peaceful, and the best part is the view of the Bridger Mountain Range. I fell in love with hiking and I really enjoy looking off into the mountains and being able to see the different peaks that I’ve hiked while I’m warm and cozy working on homework. Along with the view, the upper level of Rendezvous has a very calm and relaxing atmosphere which is very encouraging when it’s time to put some work in.

I usually get my work done before it gets too late but sometimes there are nights where I have to stay up late to finish. Rendezvous closes at 7 pm but it’s okay because there are plenty of other places to go to study and work such as the library, local coffee shops, and the study rooms that are open 24/7 in the dorms. My second favorite spot is the International Coffee shop that is about two minutes from my room. Because this coffee shop is so close to campus, it is always full of students. It’s a cool place to meet other MSU students while getting a cup of coffee! If you’re a coffee lover like me, you’ll be ecstatic to know that in Bozeman there are too many coffee shops to count. I like to try new places and new drinks all while being productive!

Coffee shops aren’t usually open that late so if I really need to stay up late in order to get things done, I go to the campus library. The library is open until 2 am so that’s usually enough time to complete my homework or studying for the night! The library is set up by levels. The first floor is for students to talk to others and work together and make noise. The next level is also for groupwork and discussion. On the third level it begins to get quieter and is more for students who are working on something individually. Lastly, the fourth floor is a very quiet and respectful atmosphere. I usually go here when I have online quizzes and exams that need my complete focus and attention. This level is nice because you’re almost guaranteed that there will be no distractions, and no one will interrupt your work or make noise. The library is located in the center of campus and is a short walk but when it’s too cold or I’m not in the mood to leave the dorms I use the dorm study rooms.

I find it easier to do homework when I leave my room because I tend to get distracted by my guitar or my friends when I’m in my room. The study rooms are on each floor of the dorms and are open 24/7. My friends and I sometimes get together to do homework in these rooms and listen to music. It’s also very convenient when my roommate is trying to get some sleep, but I still have homework because it is just a couple doors down. These rooms are nice too because they have a television and some comfy couches to post up on and work. Overall, there are so many spots to study and work on homework here. Everyone has a different environment that they work best in and here at MSU there are countless places and people to study with and work with. I mentioned this in another blog but there is also a great program that offers help to students in writing, math, and biology to name a few. It’s all about finding the places and the people that make it easiest to be successful in your classes and to stay productive. It’s also helpful to make friends in your classes so you can get together outside of class and get things done. It also makes it easier to stay up to date in classes if you are sick or can’t make it to lecture.

Submitted by Cathy Johnson

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