


Tablet Portait

Handheld Landscape

Handheld Portait

A hike to beat the weather

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Oh hey guys, what's up? So apparently it is week seven which is crazy because today's already Friday. So I decided to shoot this video so late into the week just to show you guys how fast my weeks go by. Like honestly, I feel like my weeks just teleport. So it feels like my weeks are just flying by. It literally feels like the weeks are doing this. Like, isn't that crazy? And like classes don't even make it any better because my classes are just so spread out. Like I feel like that's a major contribution as to why my week goes by so fast because like I'm always waiting for my next class and like say for example, I have one class on Monday, so after 10 o'clock my day's pretty much over and now I'm, I'm just waiting for the next day. You know what I mean? I'm just waiting for the next day. The next thing you know, it's Friday. And luckily for me, my Fridays I have no class. So then, yeah.

Today I really just want to talk about the weather, man. All week long this has been the sky. I don't know about you guys, but I can't deal with this. I have to stay inside just about if I'm not in class, I have to be inside, indoors, in my room, because I just can't, I can't be outside anymore. Or at least at this date. I don't want to say depressing, but the sun provides me with a good source of vitamin D and that I get on a consistent basis. So I guess now I have that vitamin D deficiency, and it's getting to me. It's getting to me man. For my folks back home, if you could just take a couple minutes of your time and box me up some of that good sun rays and ship it out to me, I'll be most grateful for you. I even overheard someone saying that we should be expecting snow in about two weeks. So yeah, that kind of blew my mind a little bit. I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. I just have to wait and see.

The week isn't over just yet though, because tomorrow the residence hall is taking the students out to a hiking trail. It's called the Cabot Trail. So finally, something adventurous for me to do to satisfy my soul. And yeah, I guess that's the big thing of the week and hopefully I'm going to get some shots of that to show you guys how that's like. And until then, see you guys. So right now, we are walking the Cabot trail. This is one of the trails in Canada's national parks. And, yeah. It's about three hour walk. That's crazy.

I mean yesterday was the Cabot trail hike and man, let me tell you that like exactly what I was waiting for, waited to see in Canada. Like this pure nature and pure the landscapes that this country have. And I must say it was kind of hard for me to like even record these short clips that I got because I just wanted to be emerged into nature. They just so blessed and so beautiful. They're just so vast how, how still everything was. To see just that this is all the creation of something beyond ourselves. And I'm definitely one of those guys that have a very great appreciation for nature. Maybe because that's what I grew up around. So, whenever I get to just be in nature and just be around it, do just, do something, do something with it, I’m a happy guy. And seeing those scenes- sceneries for me, it, I guess my trip. I'm so glad that I went to that. I even got to see a moose. That was pretty cool. He was walking just on a trail casually. Oh, a next thing that I thought was cool was they had these gates that were meant to like keep out, well not gates, it was like a cage. And the whole entire - oh, by the way, this is one of Canada's National Parks. So the whole country is fighting to preserve this landscape, which made it even more beautiful to know that, you know, it's protected and protected land and is cherished to around the whole entire country as much as it's cherished. It's neat. And I'm just glad I can share that with you guys.

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