


Tablet Portait

Handheld Landscape

Handheld Portait

Much to learn. Much to gain.

Stories and Updates

The Spring 2020 semester did not go as planned. No one signed up for a virus, for social distancing, or to have their study away completely upended. No one signed up for online education, learning remotely, and returning home to finish classes.

Some assignments and experiences are no longer available. Most expectations are no longer reasonable. We all have much to learn and much to gain as we adapt to the new normal of these weeks and months.

We will remain flexible and will adjust to the higher education situation as we learn more. No one knows where this is going and what adaptations will be needed. Most importantly, every single one of us needs care, support, and understanding.

NSE has provided collegiate student exchange to more than 122,000 students since 1968. We have weathered many ups and downs in that time. Higher education is resilient. And so are college students.

When you're ready, we'll be ready.

Wash your hands. Study. Stay healthy.

Submitted by National Student Exchange



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