There was a lot of news on how Covid-19 affected college campuses in mid-March. The day before my spring break started, the Montana State president informed all students and staff that we would switch to online classes. I stayed at a friend’s house in California for break and received an email from to avoid going back to the dorms to collect things until further notice. With classes being switched to online there is no reason to return to campus at this point. The dining halls transitioned to being takeout only and many of my friends returned to their homes for the remainder of the semester. One thing that is a concern with classes switching to online is the transition for my biology lab to an online platform with lab no longer being able to be an in-person class.
This situation is stressful to me because I don’t know when I will be able to return to Montana State. I have everything I need, so I’m not too concerned about being back in the dorms. I am concerned about how and when I am going back to the dorms to get my personal belongings though. It is concerning that I no longer have a job on campus. I’m grateful that I’m currently in a stable and secluded environment and my parents have been very helpful with advice on the situation. Meanwhile I am staying home until the campus notifies us that it is safe to return to campus to collect our belongs. In the meantime, I will be focusing on my online classes and staying healthy!
Submitted by Cathy Johnson