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Precautions and change

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Hello everyone. My name is Felicia and I'm currently studying at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras. I wanted to talk about something a lot different, the Coronavirus. And basically I wanted to talk about how the Island has been taking precautions and measures. What I've been doing for myself as well. I'm sure that wherever you are, you've definitely heard about it and probably you school has been canceled and you're in quarantine as well, like the rest of us. So here in the Island the governor has issued an island-wide curfew, so from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM no one can be out on the street whatsoever and if you are out you're going to get a fine, which seems a little strict. But I'm honestly so relieved and so happy with all the safety precautions she's taking to keep the islands safe and healthy because it is a very small Island.

So you know one person gets a virus, it's very easy for them to give it to someone else. And then just as a school in general, classes have been canceled for this current week and then next week we will go online. So even though that we're not having classes in person, we're still able to keep up with our work and same friends and I'm sure many of your schools may have canceled class for the whole semester and moved online for until further notice. And then as for myself personally, my friends and I definitely have been going a little crazy staying in the dorms just because we can't do all the things that we used to do. Like for me, I used to go run, I used to go play the piano, used to go to church and even church has been cancel now. So I've definitely had to find different and innovative ways to enjoy myself.

So, for instance, instead of going to run, now I work-out in my room. I've actually started doing like yoga workouts in the kitchen and it's definitely different, but it's still a really good way to stay in shape. I encourage you too, if you like to stay in shape, don't let this virus keep you from doing that. Just do workout videos in your room. And then I love to read, and I always talk about how I never have enough hours in the day to read and now I don't have that excuse anymore. So I've been reading basically anything I can specifically Little Women. And I think this time has been definitely different and difficult for all of us. But it's presented the opportunity to do a lot of things I never had time for. And basically I'm just making this video to say that even here and being abroad in Puerto Rico, like the virus is still affecting me. But as you can see I'm still here and it's still, I feel very safe here. So I'm very fortunate that where I picked to study the virus has not affected my time here. And I hope that for all you, no matter where you are, that you are safe and healthy and that I pray and hope that we can all overcome this soon and return back to face to face interactions very soon.

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