Most U.S. member campuses exchange with members in Canada and can be identified with a maple leaf on the Member Campus Profile listing. Students are encouraged to consider single semester exchange to Canada which does not require application for a student study permit. A permit is required for exchange more than six months in duration.
Tuition, fees, room, and meal costs identified on the Member Campus Profiles for institutions within the United States are in U.S. dollars. Tuition, fees, room and meal costs identified on the Campus Profiles for Canadian universities are in Canadian dollars. Costs are listed with a date indicating the last time these costs were up-dated by the campus. Costs are subject to change without notice and will increase from the time of your application to your actual exchange. Use an on-line currency converter ( to calculate the rate of exchange.
Financial Aid
Whether you are exchanging from the United States to Canada or from Canada to the United States, all financial aid must be applied for, and disbursed from, your home institution regardless of whether the exchange is made on Host campus payment or Home campus payment.
Killam Fellowships
This program allows undergraduate students from Canada and the United States to participate in a program of bi-national residential exchange with a cash award of $6,000 for a semester along with a competitive health benefits package and the opportunity to participate in academic and cultural program in other regions of your host country outside of your host city. Applications are due January 31. Learn more at:
Crossing the Border
Whether you are exchanging to or from Canada, NSE strongly encourages that you schedule your arrival during weekday business hours to limit potential for delay at the U.S./Canadian border or Port of Entry. Prior to departure, request the names and contact information for both the NSE coordinator and the international contact (if different from your NSE coordinator) at your host university and a phone number where these individuals can be reached 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If coming from Canada to the United States, make sure you have the emergency contact number for your host university's Designated School Official (DSO) or designee.
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