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University of Alaska Fairbanks

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Program Type
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University of Alaska Fairbanks
Spring Semester/Quarter
Host Only
AlaskaMester aims to connect, educate and engage cohorts of visiting students for a semester-long, transformative learning experience. With curriculum centered around Alaska’s unique biogeographical and cultural landscapes, our featured coursework will explore Alaska’s unique natural history, natural resources, and the impact of climate change in the Arctic through diverse mediums. Every spring AlaskaMester functions as a cohorted experience. Students from universities all over the country will arrive at UAF as visiting scholars for a semester-long experience of a lifetime. Not only will students engage in curated, exceptional UAF coursework but will also be provided structured opportunities to interact experientially with interior Alaska’s outdoor and cultural opportunities such as aurora walks, permafrost exploration, ice climbing and glacial expeditions.

Additional Information

Requirements: Sophomore standing or higher.

Costs: Students from other NSE schools will receive in-state tuition. Please see estimated costs below. Tuition & Fees: $5,355 Housing & Meals: $5,325 Estimated Total: $10,680

Access Types:
  • Open: open to all eligible applicants who meet stated deadlines

Contact Information

Rebecca Menzia
AlaskaMester and Incoming Exchange Coordinator
907-322-2891 (P)
907-474-7097 (F)
1810 Salcha Street
2nd floor Signers' Hall
Fairbanks, AK 99775

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