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St. Cloud State University

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St. Cloud State @ Alnwick

Program Type
Special Interest
Depends on semester
Every Term
Host or Home
St. Cloud State at Alnwick offers one of the most unique education abroad opportunities where students get to live and take classes inside of a castle. St. Cloud State at Alnwick is located in Alnwick Castle, one of Britain’s most iconic castles and a top filming location for many famous films and TV series. This program offers students the unique opportunity to fully immerse themselves in British culture, while living and studying in a welcoming community that St. Cloud State University has been a part of since 1976. Come and join the large network of Alumni and spend time abroad in Alnwick!

Additional Information

Requirements: Students must have a 2.5 minimum GPA. Students will have to take 15 credits minimum. 3 of those credits will need to be the on-site course, BRIT 201. The remaining 12 credits, can be a combination of online and in-person courses. Students would need to complete an application found here:https://stcloudstate.studioabroad.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=35282

Costs: $8,000 - this includes: Accommodation in a shared room, Most meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner: Monday - Thursday while classes are in session and Breakfast and Lunch on Fridays when excursions are planned), Class field trips and activities, GeoBlue international health insurance, 24 hour staff support, Campus Administration fees, Damage and work deposits, Textbooks for British Studies Courses, Visa document. This does not include tuition which will range depending on how many courses the student intends to take.

Access Types:
  • Direct: student may apply and go directly to the program site from the home campus if approved
  • Open: open to all eligible applicants who meet stated deadlines

Contact Information

Sylvia Kass
Associate Director of Education Abroad & Away
+1 (320) 308-1960 (P)
720 4th Avenue South
St Cloud, MN 56301

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